Safely Tanning (And Other Myths)


How Can I Tan Safely?

If you Google "How to tan," the most popular search that comes up is "How to tan safely." For those that like a healthy glow but also want to maintain healthy skin, many turn to the Internet in hopes of discovering a magical, secret technique or product that allows you to tan without the negative health implications. I hate to burst your bubble, but unfortunately there is no safe way to tan. The only way to keep your skin healthy is to wear sun protection when you're out in the sun. Remember, a tan means your DNA damage, and there is nothing safe about that.

If I'm Darker Skinned, I Don't Need to Wear Sunscreen.

While it's true that darker skin naturally provides more protection, it's not much. Fair skin has low amounts of melanin and naturally has about SPF 3.4. The darker the skin, the more melanin. The melanin in dark skin can provide the equivalent of around SPF 13.4. Anything under SPF 20 doesn't provide enough protection for a day out in the sun, so even if you are darker skinned, it's important to protect yourself when outside (by wearing sunscreen and/or UV wear) and to avoid tanning.

Indoor Tanning Isn't as Dangerous as Outdoor Tanning

Many people think it is the sun itself that causes skin damage and skin cancer. However, it's not the sun, but the UVA and UVB rays. Indoor tanning beds primarily produce UVA radiation, meaning it is just as dangerous as tanning outdoors, if not more dangerous, as UVA radiation goes deeper into the skin. Also, many people who use indoor tanning beds often do so regularly - more often than they would outdoors, especially in winter.

A Base Tan Helps Protect My Skin From Burning

There is a very common misconception out there that a base tan can actually protect your skin from extreme sun rays. As a dermatologist once famously said, "Asking what's a safe amount of tan is kind of like asking how much cyanide do you want in your breakfast." No tan is healthy and a base tan doesn't protect your skin from further damage.

I Need Sun Exposure to Get Enough Vitamin D

Yes, the sun provides your body with Vitamin D, but so does milk, other foods, and vitamins. The fact of the matter is, it's important to protect your skin when outdoors with UV wear and sunscreen. And if you prefer the glow of tan skin, look into a bronzer or sunless tanning lotion.

Author: Melissa Darcey

Living with Lupus: Enjoying Sunlight While Avoiding Flares


Sunlight, be it natural outdoors or artificial indoors, is typically associated with happiness and comfort. It is even believed to help mitigate depression for many. However, with bright light can come complications and painful side effects for the 1.5 million Americans suffering from lupus, 90% of which are women.

While lupus affects people in different ways, research has shown that two-thirds experience photosensitivity, meaning their skin is very sensitive to ultraviolet rays. This not only means the sun, but also includes artificial lighting indoors from fluorescent lights, photocopiers, and tanning beds. Rather than simply experience skin redness or a sunburn, sunlight exposure can cause flares for those with lupus. The symptoms may range from rashes and skin lesions to fatigue and joint pain.

This happens due to the fact that lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease. A healthy immune system regularly flushes your body of old or defective cells. When your skin is exposed to ultraviolet light, a number of your skin cells die. This is why too much sunlight causes sunburns. Among those with lupus, their immune systems have trouble getting rid of these dead cells. Those dead cells end up causing a rash and, if the sun exposure is very extreme, it can not only cause inflammation in the skin, but also in your internal organs, joints, and muscles. Certain medications and antibiotics can also increase one’s photosensitivity. This means that protecting yourself from ultraviolet light exposure is a daily and essential element of lupus management.

Protecting yourself from ultraviolet light exposure doesn’t mean you have to avoid going outdoors or hiding from fluorescent lighting at work. Luckily, with advancements made in sun protection, you can enjoy life without worrying about a potential flare or painful symptom.

While sunscreen is a go-to sun protection accessory for most people, you may want to play it safer with more advanced protection methods. Why isn’t sunscreen the best option for you if you have lupus?

For one, most people don’t wear enough sunscreen. And secondly, most people don’t forget to reapply every hour or so. This can prove risky unless you diligently apply and reapply sunscreen throughout the day. For women, sunscreen is also not ideal for daily wear all day, every day. Many sunscreens are thick, greasy, and can clog pores. And if you have sensitive skin, it can be difficult finding one that doesn’t irritate your skin.

A better option is UV wear. By wearing clothing with UPF protection, you are protected from ultraviolet lighting for as long as you are wearing the item. The sun protection never fades and there is nothing to reapply. Even better, you can save you quite a bit of time because you don’t have to slather on layers of sunscreen multiple times a day.

Today, there are a number of UV wear options on the market. For women with sensitive skin and who don’t want to sacrifice style for protection, Sundriven® is a great match. Sundriven® offers anti-aging, sustainable, and fashionable UV wear for women. Made from an eco-friendly botanical fabric, it is comfortable for even the most sensitive skin. With items from gloves to scarves to dresses, you can protect your skin all day, every day, whether you’re at the office, relaxing at home, or out at the park.

Living with lupus doesn’t have to mean a life without sunshine. With UV wear, you can enjoy your day, indoors and outside, without damaging your skin and experiencing painful flares.

Author: Melissa Darcey

Sun Safety for the Fourth of July (and All Summer Long)


Fourth of July is just a few days away. While technically summer began in late June, we're not alone when we say that this holiday always feels like the real first day of summer. For this holiday weekend, we expect bustling beaches, packed parks, and crowds just about anywhere outside. Whether you plan on hitting the sand for beach volleyball, enjoying a backyard BBQ, or wandering around the city and enjoying the holiday vibes, follow our tips for sun protection pre-, post-, and during the weekend.

Pre-Weekend Preparation

Before you start the weekend, exfoliate and polish your skin to remove any dead cells and give it a nice glow. If you're feeling on the pale side, lather on self-tanner or bronzer and let it soak in for at least a few hours before getting your skin wet.

After exfoliating and/or self-tanning, moisturize your skin with a rich lotion, body butter, or dry oil. Not only should you hydrate your skin, but also your entire body! Drink lots of fluids, especially water. If you want something flavorful, consider coconut water or an electrolyte-enhanced beverage.

Weekend Tips

Whether the sun is bright and shining, or hidden behind clouds, make sure you protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays. Before you head outside, slather on sunscreen, pack sunglasses and a hat, and wear UV clothing. We love the Sundriven Ava double layer dress. To protect your shoulders and chest, which are such sensitive areas, pair your dress with the Sundriven Gemma wrap.

If you plan on driving long hours, protect your delicate hands with a pair of driving gloves. If you can, try to find shade during peak hours - 10am to 4pm - when the sun's UV rays are strongest. Or, just make sure your skin is thoroughly covered. Don't forget to wear sunglasses and apply sunscreen to easily forgotten areas, like your ears, back of the neck, and nose.

Drink cool fluids throughout the day, especially if it's particularly hot outside. If you feel flushed, try to go inside or sit under some shade for at least half an hour to help your body cool down.

Post-Holiday Tips

Even if you've thoroughly protected your skin, the sun can take a lot out of your body. After a day or two in the sun, your skin and body is likely dehydrated and needs some TLC. We recommend soaking in a bath with Epsom salts. If you skipped wearing a hat, or went swimming, condition your hair with a rich mask. Once you've dried off, moisturize with aloe vera or lotion to help repair your skin if it was in the sun (even if you were wearing sunscreen).

By following these tips, you can enjoy the sun without worrying about damaging it. Have a safe and happy weekend!

Author: Melissa Darcey